Subscriptions 2024/25

With a subscription to the Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich, you can easily enjoy regular classic experiences at the highest level.

We offer you a diverse range of orchestral concerts with the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, with ensembles of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich as well as various high-calibre guest ensembles and soloists with different thematic orientations. Enjoy the familiar, discover something new and don't miss a concert that you absolutely must hear.

We have put together a whole range of attractive subscriptions for you: Choose between subscriptions that take place on the same day of the week or those that are themed.

Your advantages with a subscription:

  • 10% discount on every subscription
  • up to 20% discount on the optional subscription
  • 10% discount on every additional ticket purchased
  • Choice of your favourite seat

Subscriptions 2024/25

The subscriptions for the 2024/25 season are no longer available, with the exception of The Flex subscription.
Here you will find an overview of the subscriptions for the 2024/25 season:
Subscription brochure 2024/25 (PDF)

Subscriptions 2025/26

Subscriptions for the 2025/26 season will be available from 04 June 2025.
Existing subscriptions from the previous season will be automatically renewed.

Orchestral Concerts

Probe-Abo (nicht mehr verfügbar)
4 Konzerte für Erst-Abonnent*innen mit Paavo Järvi ab CHF 80

Abo Einsteiger (nicht mehr verfügbar)
4 Konzerte zum besseren Kennenlernen und ohne Pause

Abo G (nicht mehr verfügbar)
8 Konzerte am Mittwoch mit dem Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich

Abo MI (nicht mehr verfügbar)
5 Konzerte am Mittwoch mit dem Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich

Abo DO (nicht mehr verfügbar)
5 Konzerte am Donnerstag mit dem Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich

Abo A (nicht mehr verfügbar)
5 Konzerte am Donnerstag mit dem Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich

Abo B (nicht mehr verfügbar)
5 Konzerte am Donnerstag mit dem Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich

Abo C (nicht mehr verfügbar)
5 Konzerte am Freitag mit dem Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich

Abo Z (nicht mehr verfügbar)
5 Konzerte am Freitag mit dem Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich

Abo SA (nicht mehr verfügbar)
4 Konzerte am Samstag

Abo SO (nicht mehr verfügbar)
4 Konzerte am Sonntag

Abo Lunchkonzerte (nicht mehr verfügbar)
5x Kammermusik und 5x Orchestermusik zum Lunch

Abo Familienkonzerte (nicht mehr verfügbar)
5 Konzerte für Gross und Klein

Filmsinfonik (nicht mehr verfügbar)
Der Internationale Filmmusikwettbewerb und 1 Filmklassiker im Konzert

Creative Chair (nicht mehr verfügbar)
4 Konzerte mit Werken von Anna Thorvaldsdottir

Kosmos Orgel (nicht mehr verfügbar)
5 Konzerte

Chamber Concerts

Schostakowitsch-Zyklus (nicht mehr verfügbar)
3 Konzerte mit Streichquartetten von Schostakowitsch

Kosmos Kammermusik (nicht mehr verfügbar)
7 Konzerte am Sonntag

Klavierrezital (nicht mehr verfügbar)
3 Konzerte

Abo Kammermusik-Matineen (nicht mehr verfügbar)
7 Konzerte mit Musiker*innen des Tonhalle-Orchesters Zürich

Abo Festtags-Matineen (nicht mehr verfügbar)
3 Matineen mit unseren Orchestermitgliedern an Feiertagen

Abo Série jeunes (nicht mehr verfügbar)
7 Konzerte am Montag mit den Stars von morgen

Abo Literatur und Musik (nicht mehr verfügbar)
4 Veranstaltungen mit bekannten Schauspieler*innen und unseren Musiker*innen

New and exceptional

Kombi-Abo Oper (nicht mehr verfügbar)
4 x Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, 4 x Opernhaus Zürich

Neue Konzertreihe Zürich (nicht mehr verfügbar)
8 Konzerte

Neue Konzertreihe Zürich (nicht mehr verfügbar)
11 Konzerte

The Flex

If no subscription fits perfectly, but you already know which concerts you want to attend, then the optional subscription is right for you:

3 or more concerts: 5% discount
6 or more concerts: 10% discount
11 or more concerts: 20% discount

This does not apply to the concerts:
08 Nov 2024 , 23 Nov 2024, 01 Dec 2024, 17/18 Apr 2025, 03 May 2025, 25 May 2025

Please note:
Election subscriptions can currently only be ordered in writing or via the order form . Do you need help with your choice? We will be happy to advise you by telephone: 044 206 34 34.

Programmheft- Abo «Auf Bestellung»

Als Abonnent*innen der Abos G, MI, DO, A, B, C, Z, SA, SO können Sie das Programmheft gedruckt bestellen.
Für CHF 6 pro Konzert (inkl. Versand) lassen wir das Programmheft speziell für Sie drucken und schicken es Ihnen nach Hause.
Vor Ort können keine gedruckten Programmhefte erworben werden.

Alles über unsere Abos

Subscription discount

Your subscription entitles you to a discount of up to 20% on the price of a single ticket. You will also receive a 10% discount on all other tickets for Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG concerts. Discounts always apply to the full price of the ticket. The subscription prices published here are already discounted.


All season tickets can be purchased at the Tonhalle Zurich box office or ordered by telephone, Internet or e-mail. This order is then binding. We process orders in the order in which they are received.


Your subscription will be renewed automatically if you pay the invoice by 31 July 2024.

For young people

Most subscriptions are also available as youth subscriptions; young people up to 25 pay CHF 20 per concert. Please enclose a copy of your ID with your order.

Passes and tickets

The subscription card is the admission ticket for all concerts in your subscription. Exceptions with single tickets are Creative Chair, Family Concerts, Film Symphony, Piano Recital, Kosmos Organ, Rehearsal Subscription. For certain subscriptions no fixed seats can be guaranteed; in this case you will receive seats in the same price category. If you lose your pass, you will receive a replacement pass for a fee of CHF 10.

Concert exchange

You can exchange your season ticket for other Tonhalle- Gesellschaft Zürich AG concerts up to twice per season. Registration up to 4 working days before the concert. Exceptions are Lunch subscription (for Kleine and Grosse Tonhalle), literature and music, festive and chamber music matinees, Série jeunes and the concert series.

Putting subscription seats on commission

You can sell your subscription seat on commission. We will sell it on if we do not have any of our own seats available. However, the Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG does not guarantee resale. The commission fee of CHF 10 per seat will be deducted from the refunded ticket price in the event of resale. Payment will only be made in cash.


In the case of large orchestras, the concert platform will be enlarged, necessitating re-seating in the first 4 rows of the stalls. In this case you will receive adequate replacement seats in the same category.

Subject to changes

We reserve the right to make changes to the programme and line-up and will inform you as soon as possible via our website or newsletter.

Change of address

Please let us know if you change your name, postal address or e-mail address.

General Terms and Conditions

The General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG apply. They can be viewed at:

Status: April 2024
Translated with

We are happy to advise you

Mon to Fri, 12:00 – 18:00
+41 44 206 34 34
Claridenstrasse 7, 8002 Zurich

Seating plan Grosse Tonhalle
Seating plan Kleine Tonhalle

We thank our partners