Paavo Järvi Music Director
Sara Taubman-Hildebrand Moderation
Tango-Session im Konzertfoyer mit Musiker*innen des Tonhalle-Orchesters Zürich
Last season, Music Director Paavo Järvi extended his contract until 2029 – and the big project for this period is a new Mahler cycle. He starts today with the Symphony No. 5, which was initially received cautiously by the audience: The Fifth was a "cursed work", Mahler wrote, "no-one caps it". But that has long since changed, and today it is one of the most popular symphonies of all. And it has even made a film career: Luchino Visconti used the "Adagietto" from it in his cult film "Death in Venice".
In the second part of the concert, our musicians show a completely different musical side and play tango in the concert foyer.
By the way: the bar is of course open.