tonhalleCRUSH – classic meets brass
tonhalleCRUSH – classic meets brass
Paavo Järvi Music Director
Sara Taubman-Hildebrand Moderation
Anschliessend Brass-Session im Konzertfoyer mit Musiker*innen des Tonhalle-Orchesters Zürich
Heinz Saurer, Trompete
Tobias Huber, Horn
Marco Rodrigues, Posaune
Christian Sauerlacher, Tuba
Andreas Berger, Schlagzeug
For organisational reasons, the new concert format tonhalleCRUSH will take place instead of tonhalleLATE.
The English word "crush" has many meanings: "to crush" or "to crumple", "crush" or "crush". Now there's another one: tonhalleCRUSH, which means "a moderated concert followed by a contrasting programme by Tonhalle musicians that will hopefully be remembered for a long time to come".
At today's concert, our music director Paavo Järvi will conduct and comment on Shostakovich's Symphony No. 1, after which the programme will continue in the concert foyer, where a group of musicians will play not classical music, but all kinds of other music.
Medien-Partner: Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG
Translated with DeepL.com