tonhalleLATE – classic meets electronic

tonhalleLATE – classic meets electronic

Foto: Akvilė Šileikaitė

tonhalleLATE – classic meets electronic

Fri 04. Oct 2024 22.00 Grosse Tonhalle
Sat 05. Oct 2024 20.00 Grosse Tonhalle
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich
Frank Strobel Conductor
Jochen Baldes Saxophon
Sandra Studer Moderation
Howard Shore Jury-Präsident
Howard Shore Auszüge aus «Das Schweigen der Lämmer», «Philadelphia», «The Aviator», «Der Herr der Ringe», «The Fly» u.a.

Kon Faber Live
Ewa Grzywna-Groblewska, E-Viola
Alberto Navarra, Flöte
Robert Teutsch, Horn
Heinz Saurer, Trompete
Seth Quistad, Posaune
Sarah Verrue, E-Harfe
Christian Hartmann, Perkussion
Emanuel Meshvinski, Arrangements
Kollektiv Packungsbeilage, Visuals
Zagara, DJ
Prices CHF 55 / 20 (bis 30 Jahre)
In Zusammenarbeit mit Roos & Company
News & Geschichten
tonhalleLATE with Frank Strobel and Kon Faber
tonhalleLATE mit Frank Strobel und Kon Faber

tonhalleLATE is the internationally renowned and mostly sold-out concert and party series organised by the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich. The Zurich Film Festival is underway and this edition of our tonhalleLATE is also called: Cinema in Concert.
In the first part of the evening, the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, conducted by film music expert Frank Strobel, will play excerpts from film scores by Howard Shore. Parts of the films can be experienced on a large screen in the Great Tonhalle Zurich. Sandra Studer will guide you through the film music concert.
The second part will feature the legendary fusion of classical and electronic music: musicians from the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich will meet the electronic live duo Kon Faber. The duo from Berlin is internationally renowned and will ensure a long night on the dance floor.

Translated with DeepL.com