Orchestra lunch concert with Paavo Järvi

Orchestra lunch concert with Paavo Järvi

Orchestra lunch concert with Paavo Järvi

Wed 12. Mar 2025 18.00 Vestibül
Wed 12. Mar 2025 19.30 Grosse Tonhalle
Thu 13. Mar 2025 12.15 Grosse Tonhalle
Thu 13. Mar 2025 18.00 Kleine Tonhalle
Thu 13. Mar 2025 19.30 Grosse Tonhalle
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich
Paavo Järvi Music Director
Jean Sibelius «Andante festivo»
Witold Lutosławski «Konzert für Orchester»
Prices CHF 55
Playlist Brahms und Lutoslawski

The North, the East: for Paavo Järvi, these are the cardinal points where many of his favourite composers lived. He juxtaposes two of them, the Finn Jean Sibelius and the Pole Witold Lutoslawski, in this lunchtime concert. Sibelius' "Andante festivo" for strings and timpani sounds exactly as the title suggests, namely festive. And Lutoslawski's "Concerto for Orchestra" is a masterpiece of the mid-20th century: traditional yet modern, highly original and immediately gripping. It was once announced on Radio SRF2 Kultur as an "orchestral showpiece with depth": exactly.

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