Kunterwunderbunt: Closing concert

Kunterwunderbunt: Closing concert "Festival of Colours"

Illustration: Jil Wiesner

Kunterwunderbunt: Closing concert "Festival of Colours"

Sun 06. Jul 2025 11.15 Kleine Tonhalle
Sun 06. Jul 2025 14.15 Kleine Tonhalle
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich
Margarita Balanas Conductor
Madeline Engelsman Schauspiel
Nelly Danker Konzept, Regie
Anna Nauer Ausstattung
Kunterwunderbunt – Abschlusskonzert «Fest der Farben»
Musik von Rodolphe Schacher
Prices CHF 35 / Kinder bis 12 Jahre: CHF 10
In Zusammenarbeit mit der Stiftung Zürcher Gemeinschaftszentren
News & Geschichten
"Children can understand much more than adults"
News & Geschichten
The discovery of (sound) colours

In the Zurich community centres, the "Kunterwunderbunt" series focused on small chamber music formations: string, plucked, wind and percussion instruments. If you weren't able to experience these chamber music concerts: no problem. Because in the final concert in the Kleine Tonhalle, all the instruments come together to form a chamber orchestra.

On her journey of discovery, Yvi got to know many different instruments and colours. What a celebration when they all come together in the Kleine Tonhalle. Even the precious gold and silver join in the celebration. Cheers to colourfulness and diversity.

From 4 years